Hi, my name is David Hoos and this blog is a way for me to think out loud.
The blog name describes two things about me. By nature I am an analyst rather than a creator (i.e. I would rather analyze what already exists than create something new). And, the goal of my analysis is to arrive at the truth. I prefer the truth to what is new or novel. I prefer the truth to what is old or sacred. My analysis so far leads me to believe that the truth is more often found in the old rather than the new.
I am an evangelical Christian in the Reformed tradition. I recognize three ultimate sources of truth: the 66 books of the Protestant Bible, the created physical world, and history. The most important of these is the Bible for it reveals Jesus Christ and the gospel. The created world and history are God’s artwork. These three sources of truth, when properly perceived and interpreted, do not contradict one another. This will direct my thinking and analysis on this blog.
Among my interests are religion, science, politics, and economics.